Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just a few photos for today

Picking and carding another batch of wool: 

A basket full of fiber and the terrifying wool picker.
Why terrifying? 

That's why. 

Here's how it works: you feed the fiber in one side (the left in this case) and,
wearing thick leather gloves of course, swing the moveable cradle back and forth. 
The movement combs the fiber and eventually send it flying out the right side of the picker. 

The drum carder in action. 

Rolled up fiber ready to spin. These jelly rolls are also known as rolags.

Sewing up a skirt: 
A wrap-skirt made with fabric from a little shop in Portland, OR. 

Bunny trim on the pocket. Couldn't resist. 


A reverse-Swedish wallet made with bits of felt and two handmade bowls: 

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I am terribly jealous of your sewing machine. Is it a Singer featherweight?? Because if it is, I have been oogling over them on eBay all this week.

    That skirt is sew (ahaha) lovely! and the rabbit-print ribbon trim is just perfect. ;)

  2. Yup, it's a Featherweight, and it works like a charm!
