Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Do feminists knit?

I'm starting to ponder my senior research project. So far, I'm planning to interview women. Women at home. Women who choose not to work in offices or for other people. Women who are self-employed, women who are full-time mothers, homemakers, farmers, artists, writers, hermits, homeschool teachers, scholars, crafters. The more I try to create an outline of who these women are, a framework to work within (because the big picture is, well, big), the more people throw the word "feminist" at me. "Oh, you mean feminists!"
What do I mean exactly? What is a feminist exactly? Does a feminist knit?

The Oxford American Dictionary, in short, says it like this: 
Feminism |ˈfeməˌnizəm|
NounThe advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
My feminist knits. That is to say, my feminist chooses to knit. That's the crux, I'm sure. 

 A few potted things for you. The little grey things are mice
scampering in between the pots. Clay mice! 

Ball o' yarn. First one yet!
Our mountains through a very frosty window. 

I can't define the word myself, and perhaps I'd better stay away from it ––it has such a long and deephistory. And yet, perhaps it would be a thrill to throw it out into the breeze and see where it lands.

The Sock Knitter, Grace Cossington Smith, 1915

Have a happy Wednesday! 

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